Schools have to manage many different sets of data:
  • Pupil information (name, contact details, etc.)
  • Staff information (name, bank details for pay, etc.)
  • Timetable (rooms, times, subject, staff, classes, etc.)
  • Pupil attainment (marks, grades, comments, etc.)
  • Pupil behaviour (dates, incidents, notes, etc.)
  • Administration data (letters, forms, etc.)
  • Financial records (wages, fees, etc.)
  • Exam entries (times, dates, pupils, results, etc.)
Rather than use lots of different systems to manage this information, many schools use a School Management System (sometimes called a School Information System, or SIS). This is a system that manages all of a school's data in a single, integrated application.
Stacks Image 6743
Having all of the information in a single system allows schools to more easily connect data together.

For example, when viewing a pupil's record, the user could follow a link to the pupil's class, and from there a link to the pupil's teacher, and from there a link to the teacher's other classes, and so on.

These connections between sets of data allow complex tasks to easily be performed such as:
  • Sending letters to all parents of pupils who scored below 50% in their last English test
  • Printing personalised timetables for IGCSE pupils (even though they have all chosen different options)
  • Monitoring the progress of pupils in multiple subjects, over a number of years
As you can imagine, School Management Systems are pretty complex. Most systems are based on a complex relational database. The database contains many tables of data, each table having many records and many fields.
Stacks Image 6750

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An Example...

An example of a part of a typical school database showing the different data tables, the fields within each table, and the relationships between the tables:
Stacks Image 6771

Pretty complicated, isn't it? And this would just be a small part of the overall School Management System database!

(Don't worry - you don't have to learn this diagram - it's just an example to show you that this is not a simple database!)
If you have studied and understood the notes about relational databases, you will notice that many of the above tables contain foreign keys (primary keys from one table that are used in another table to create a relationship / link)

E.g. The PUPIL Data table contains
two foreign keys: Family ID and Tutor Group ID. These foreign keys link a pupils to a specific family and tutor group

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